Photography Courses

1. Getting your Camera off of “Auto”

Master the semi-automatic modes! This course includes an introduction to aperture, shutter speed, exposure, white balance, ISO, auto focus controls and much more.

2. Picture to Photograph

Learn about photo composition techniques. This course provides an introduction to elements of design, point of view, framing, use of line, cropping, silhouettes, rule of thirds, and more.

3. Night and Low-Light Photography

A basic introduction to taking nighttime and low-light photographs. Involves shooting at night, and/or with subjects such as sunset, full moon, candlelight, milky way, fireworks, and more.

4. Basic Photoshop

Become familiar with Adobe Photoshop! You will be introduced to Photoshop toolbars, their functions, how to use them to enhance a photograph. (Requires a device with a version of Adobe Photoshop installed.)

To inquire about upcoming course dates, please feel free to contact me!